Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Missing skeins...

To my big dissapointment there were a total of five colour skeins missing in the Train of Dreams kit from Colray Crafts. I e-mailed them right away and according to them heaven and earth had changed the floss usage and saying that the patterna they had downloaded didn't include those colours I mentioned missing.

I found that very strange and contacted the creator of the pattern and owner of heaven and earth and asked her if this was true. She replied that it was nothing she was aware of. I e-mailed Colray Crafts the scans of the floss usage charts I had received two days earlier in the kit from Colray Crafts. I have not heard from them today...

Now... I am inlove with another design and I simply have to have this kit, as soon as I can afford it!!!

I Vampiri Pieta ~ Jasmine Becket Griffith

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